Business Planning
Written By Admin Published on September 7, 2021

Many startups implement their business idea without conducting proper planning activities, which is one of the causes of the failure of their business.
This course is designed to introduce startups to the basic steps required to plan, start and run a business by having a bankable and viable business plan. Participants will be capable to identify “real" business customers, to define and deliver products and services, to negotiate with suppliers, administrative agencies and other stakeholders and to finance enterprise operations.

Main target audience :
Startup Entrepreneurs

Course content
This course will consist of the following units :
1. Find a good business idea
2. Conduct market assessment/survey
3. Gather business resources
4. Develop a business product

Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the trainee will be capable of the following :
• Create a business idea and identify opportunities
• Screen and develop business idea
• Identify potential products or services to be offered by the business
• Segment clients and identify business competitors
• Determine required business resources and project the budget
• Develop business prototype
• Test the product and carry out the rollout

4 days